Friday, December 27, 2019

Genocide In Iraq Needs Immediate U.S. Attention Essay

Genocide is the organized and widespread termination, or attempted execution of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group ( Over 1 million Iraqi’s have been killed in genocide. Genocide in Iraq started in the year 1991, even though many people thought it started in 2003. It is important to think about this problem, because people need to know about the history, and about the struggles people have to endure to keep our country together. It is also important because people need to know what is happening in the world, as of today. The famous Sadaam Hussein is known all around the world for his vindictive acts, leading to genocide. Threats of killing a large number of people have impacted the U.S. and Iraq†¦show more content†¦African villages indicated how they wanted to live, and they are guilty of how they lived their life. They destroyed most of their resources, and supplies that they needed in order to learn and live. It amazes me how a country could totally be in the wrong, then turn around, and blame everything on America. We have nothing to do with Iraq. They chose to be an enemy, and we stepped in and tried to end the fight between the Iraqi people. Iraq left us with no choice, because without the help of the Americans, they would fall as a nation. The root of those problems exists because the people of Iraq don’t have enough money to afford health care to prevent and cure disease and infections. â€Å"The mortality of children in Basra has increased by nearly 30% compared to the Sadaam Hussein era. Children are dying on a daily basis and no one is doing anything to help them (Dr. Haydar Salah). The air is being polluted with toxic debris of British and American explosives. It is a major primary cause of death amongst the children of Iraq. It is also a diagnosis of cancer. As a result, that concludes that Iraq needs to have an enhanced education plan in school. Dr. Jawad Al-Ali, a cancer specialist at the Basra City Hospital said â€Å"Before the gulf War we only had 3 or 4 deaths in a month from cancer. Now it’s 30 to 35 patients dying every month. Our studies indicate that 40-48% of the populationShow MoreRelatedInternational Intervention On Syria During The Civil War2442 Words   |  10 Pagesmake anything b etter. Therefore, I find it crucial to continue to maintain the same amount intervention with Syria as the world has been. Success in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will depend on a clear, effective U.S. strategy in the region. It is in the best interests of the U.S. to ensure that ISIS is contained and ultimately eliminated. 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SPONSORING/MONITORING N/A AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This thesis explores the idea whether a balancedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesorganization theory is extremely fragmented and there is no agreement concerning the underlying theoretical dimensions nor methodological approach to be employed. With the recognition of different approaches to organization theory, there is a widely perceived need to bring some order to the field. This textbook offers a well-integrated synthesis of approaches to organization theory. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Theme of Self-Reliance in Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Theme of Self-Reliance in Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson I will, in the following, discuss the theme of self-reliance in the above-mentioned texts. But what exactly is self-reliance? In his 1841 publication called Essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson includes an essay simply entitled Self-Reliance in which he states Trust thyself#8230;Great men have always done so and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age#8230; . Self-reliance is thus defined as the ability to be your own master and to seek your own fortune free from influences from your surroundings. Hawthorne wrote Young Goodman Brown in 1835, some 6 years before Emersons Self-Reliance. Still it is obvious from the text that the notion of self-reliance was, if†¦show more content†¦To the Puritans the individual mind was fragile and prone to heresy if tempted. Only united did they stand a chance against the endless temptations of the devil. This is exactly the notion against which Hawthorne revolts. Had Goodman Brown had the willpower and the self-esteem necessary, he would have prevailed. With the ability to trust in one-self comes the ability to deal with any problem that life might throw in ones way, even the temptations of the soul. Thus we see the idea of self-reliance creeping into view. Samuel L. Clemens first published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in 1884, a time where the idea of self-reliance was firmly established in the minds of the American people. The narrator and main protagonist Huck Finn is a young boy already introduced to the public in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) in which Huck is a runaway. He lives in an old barrel free of all obligations and is generally a happy boy. As Tom Sawyer progresses the boys help find a band of highwaymen, get them arrested and punished, and become rich in the process. Huck gets himself adopted by the Widow Douglas and this is where we encounter him in the beginning of Huckleberry Finn. Although he has been given everything the society deemed appropriate at the time (i.e. a family, a home etc.) Huck finds himself uncomfortable in his new clothing, unable to conform to strict house rules enforced upon him by the widow (#8230;TheShow MoreRelatedEssay On Chris Mccandless969 Words   |  4 Pageshe disappeared from his family, this also explains his narcissism as he only ever had to care for himself. In Into the Wild, Chris Mccandless believes that an individual’s purpose is to be unique and to avoid being conformed by civilization. Ralph Waldo Emerson views a persons purpose as to not conform, however he advises to be well versed in a vast majority of areas, both of these authors view non-conformity as the most important trait a person may have and view civilization as evil. Chris McCandlessRead MoreTranscendentalism And The American Renaissance1693 Words   |  7 Pagesapart of the American Renaissance reform called, Transcendentalism. The Transcendentalism period which outlined majority of the Renaissance, was led by writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Transcendentalism is largely defined by the ideals of, religion, self reliance, civil disobedience, individualism, idealism, nonconformity, and nature. Emerson outlined the reform and countless parts of these Transcendentalism ideals, for writers soon to follow this movement. The Norton Anthology of American LiteratureRead MoreTranscendentalism Vs Nonconformity1061 Words   |  5 PagesInbetween   Ã‚  Ã‚   Ralph Waldo Emerson, the man who started the Transcendentalism movement, was an American poet and essayist. Transcendentalism was a literary and philosophical movement in the 1820’s and 1830’s that was considered an opposition to the previous age of Romanticism. Transcendentalism emphasized the importance of the individual, nature, and the Oversoul, among other things. The founder, Emerson, wrote many essays in a Transcendentalist style. In one of those essays, Self-Reliance, he wrote,Read More The Importance of Non-conformity and Independent Beliefs in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance2779 Words   |  12 PagesIn Ralph Waldo Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance,† Emerson calls for each person in society to be wholly true to themselves. He claims that it is most rewarding to the individual and the society for people to believe in one’s own thoughts and not in the thoughts of others. Emerson believes that conformity will ultimately lead to an individual’s demise because by living for others, people are not being true to themselves. Therefore in order to have a well-formed society, citizens should focus inward andRead MoreEmerson Thoreau and Individualism in Society Essay1370 Words   |  6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau are still considered two of the most influential writers of their time. Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was a lecturer, essayist, and poet, Henry David Thoreau is his student, who was also a great essayist and critics. Both men extensively studied and embraced nature, and both men encouraged and practiced individualism and nonconformity. In Ralph Waldo Emersons essay Self Reliance and Henry David Thoreaus book Walden and essay Resistance to Civil GovernmentRead MoreRomanticism Vs Transcendentalism795 Words   |  4 PagesSlave Law of 1850, as it was urged to partake in a Civil Disobedience, the refusal to comply to any given law as a peaceful protest against politics. The only political figure to be recognized and praised in the history of Transcendentalism by Ralph Waldo Emerson would be Abraham Lincoln, after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Transcendentalism can easily be compared to any other movement, yet only two seem to act as direct influences, Romanticism and Enlightenment. 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His unique style of literature (such as Self-Reliance and The American Scholar) as well as Henry David Thoreau’s Walden brought objective ideas into the open, while critiquing the general state of intellectualism and spiritualityRead MoreWakefulne ss: Thoreau, Whitman, and Emerson1532 Words   |  7 Pagesachievement. Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman were three authors during this time that wrote about an idea that would later become the theme of many papers, discussions and lectures, Wakefulness. Though some may not have recognized the significance of these authors’ work at the time, their ideas and beliefs have captivated the minds of many people. Wakefulness, the idea of intellectual exertion throughout everyday life is essential to becoming self-reliant, creating a more intellectualRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, A Transcendentalist Novel?1664 Words   |  7 Pageswork? While the novel is commonly viewed as possessing many classic Transcendentalist themes, such as an emphasis on nature and self-reliance, there are key differences in elements of Hawthorne s novel and the values and ideas that the father of Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, puts forth in his classic writings, such as The Transcendenta ist, The Over-Soul, and Self-Reliance. Simply classifying The Scarlet Letter as Transcendentalist is only scratching the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Literature Review Resources Annotation

Question: Describe about the Literature Review Resources: Annotation? Answer: RES-811 Literature Review Resources Number Article Information Added to RefWorks? (Y or N) 1. Doherty, L. (2004). Workà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ life balance initiatives: implications for women. Employee Relations, 26(4), pp.433-452. Annotation: this piece of work deals with how the proper work life balance of the women led to the effective management of their lives. It reflect to the barriers faced by the women due to the pressure from the managerial roles 2. Emslie, C. and Hunt, K. (2009). Live to Work or Work to Live? A Qualitative Study of Gender and Work-life Balance among Men and Women in Mid-life. Gender, Work Organization, 16(1), pp.151-172. Annotation: this article focuses on the fact that there is a difference between men and women and how they see and try to balance their work and lives. It was seen in the research that the gender remains embedded. 3. Gangwisch, J. (2014). Work-life Balance. SLEEP. Annotation: Adequate superiority work is essential for individual income and to accomplish human requirements such as securing social status, shaping personal identity, and giving arrangement and reason to daily life. 4. Parkes, L. and Langford, P. (2008). Work-Life Balance or Work-Life Alignment? A test of the importance of work-life balance for employee engagement and intention to stay in organisations. J Man Org, 14(3), pp.267-284. Annotation: this article focuses on the fact that there are several factors which led to the employee engagement and the work life balance was the least related to the employee engagement. 5. Resurreccion, P. and Philippines, I. (2012). Entrepreneurial Competencies and Work Life Balance of Rural Women Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the Philippines. JSR, 3(2). Annotation: as more and more women were entering the entrepreneurial undertakings, it was found that the women managed time to balance their work as well as life. 6. Warren, T., Fox, E. and Pascall, G. (2009). Innovative Social Policies: Implications for Work-life Balance among Low-waged Women in England. Gender, Work Organization, 16(1), pp.126-150. Annotation: it was seen that to take care of the children the mothers mostly worked part times and accumulated to less income in the family compared to the fathers. It was also said that the father also need to fulfill the quota of taking care of the child and thus both the parents can lead a balanced life. 7. YAMASHITA, H. (2010). Peacekeeping cooperation between the United Nations and regional organisations. Rev. Int. Stud., 38(01), pp.165-186. Annotation: The article says that there is increased progress in institutionalizing global-regional collaboration in peace keeping, and so far managing such collaboration in the future require a clear perception of the responsibility of the UN in the globalization of peace keeping. 8. Abendroth, A. and den Dulk, L. (2011). Support for the work-life balance in Europe: the impact of state, workplace and family support on work-life balance satisfaction. Work, Employment Society, 25(2), pp.234-256. Annotation: this article shows that the worker needs the support from their family in order to balance the work and the life. More over the relevance of state, emotional and instrumental workplacealso plays an important role. 9. Aquinas, D. and Mendonca, D. (2012). Career Dynamics: Matching Individual and Organizational Needs A Conceptual Analysis of Work-Life Balance of (Women) Employees. Global Journal For Research Analysis, 3(5), pp.130-131. Annotation: it is seen that the women are held responsible for the smooth management of the family irrespective of their job responsibility, though both are equally important. 10. NANDHINI.A, N. and VINOLIN.T, V. (2011). Work Life Balance - Can Women be Both Sharers and Careers?. IJAR, 4(4), pp.39-40. Annotation: the work life balance is a personal effort and it needs a control and coordination in the workplace. It is seen that when the people are mutually benefitted from both work and family they are benefitted.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Steveland Judkins Morris Was Born On May 13, 1950, In Saginaw, Michiga

Steveland Judkins Morris was born on May 13, 1950, in Saginaw, Michigan. He is more popularly known as Stevie Wonder. Stevie was blinded shortly after birth. His blindness was caused by a medical accident when he was born. He had to be put in an incubator and he didn't get enough air. In 1954 his family moved to Detroit. He developed his musical talent early in his life. By the age of 11 years old, he could play the harmonica and piano and he was a talented singer. Stevie was introduced to Motown's Berry Gordy, who recognized Stevie's talents. He was signed to Motown in 1962 and he was given the stage name "Little Stevie Wonder". He later grew out of this nickname and dropped the "little". Stevie had success with his single, 'Fingertips, Part 2', in 1963. By the time he was 18, Wonder had released hits such as 'Uptight', 'Nothing's Too Good for My Baby', 'I Was Made to Love Her', and 'For Once in My Life'. He followed that up with more hits, like 'My Cherie Amour' which went platinum in 1969 and 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours' in 1970. In 1970 Wonder married Syreeta Wright. After two years of marriage they divorced. In 1971, at age 21, Stevie bought recording equipment and started a small recording company. He used two albums that he recorded independently to negotiate with Motown. Since he was now 21, he could get a new contract that allowed him more freedom and more money. He began experimenting with use of the synthesizer. A serious automobile accident in 1973 almost claimed his life. The accident did take his sense of smell away. Talking Book was an album that he released in 1972 which included 'You Are the Sunshine of My Life' and 'Superstition'. These were two very big hits. Innervisions, released in 1973, included a hit song called ?Higher Ground'. Fulfillingness' First Finale in 1974, and Songs in the Key of Life in 1976 were both hit albums of Stevie Wonder's in the 1970s. During the 1980s Stevie Wonder released fewer solo albums but made success recording with other artists. He wrote and performed a song with Paul McCartney. It was an antiracism hit single 'Ebony and Ivory'. With Chaka Khan, Steveland performed 'I Feel for You'. His single 'I Just Called to Say I Love You', from the soundtrack of the film 'The Woman in Red' won an Academy award in 1985. In 1989 Wonder was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He signed a unique lifetime contract with Motown Records in 1992. Conversation Peace, was an album Wonder worked on for nearly eight years before its 1995 release. It got good reviews. In addition to his music, Stevie Wonder's career was distinguished by his activism for gun control, drunk driving and anti-hunger campaigns. Throughout his life he has influenced popular music in the categories of funk, rock and soul. He has inspired people to become musicians with his own music. He has also given a lot to civil rights in this country and in other countries (mostly South Africa). He has also taught blind people that they can be as talented as any person who can see. From loosing his sight to loosing his sense of smell, he has overcome many obstacles. Stevie has raised two children. He has also been married once. Wonder currently performs occasionally. He lives in Beverly Hills, California. He makes special performances for worthy causes because of his caring for other people. In 1996 Stevie won a Grammy award for Lifetime Achievement. Throughout the 1990s, Stevie has released 4 greatest hits albums and over 10 new albums. Although he was blind since infancy, Stevie Wonder never lacked musical talent. Wonder's combination of soul, pop, funk, and rock earned him 15 Grammys, an Academy award, and success in business. With millions of records sold, the talented performer has always been recognized for his abilities to do what he wants to do, blind or not.